TUTORIAL : Data Measurement
arcAstroVR shows the current location of the avatar and the coordinates of the markers you have placed. It can also measure azimuth, altitude angle, and distance using the mouse cursor and markers, and create a compass map using auxiliary lines.
Azimuth and altitude of mouse position
The azimuth and altitude angles in the cursor direction as seen from the avatar's eye position are displayed on the top bar. Use this function when you want to know the azimuth and altitude of stars, mountain tops, etc.
Azimuth It is displayed as an angle with the origin in the north and a positive value in the east direction.
Altitude The horizontal line is the origin and is displayed as an angle that takes a positive value upward.
Marker location information
The location information of the marker can be viewed from the Info-Window. The location information displayed is as follows.
Coordinate WGS84 Longitude(°), latitude(°), and Ellipsoid height(m) are displayed in this order.
JPRCS Y distance(m), X distance(m), and Ellipsoid height(m) in the designated zone.
UTM E distance(m), N distance(m), and Ellipsoid height(m) in the designated zone.
Direction The azimuth angle (°), altitude angle (°) and distance (m) of the marker from the avatar origin (heel position).
*The azimuth angle is displayed as an angle with the origin in the north and a positive value in the east. *Elevation angle is displayed as a positive upward angle with the horizon as the origin.
If you want to modify the name, coordinate position, or color of a marker, click the Edit button of the marker you want to modify and make the modification settings in the Marker dialog.
To delete a marker, click the Edit button of the marker you wish to delete, check the Delete checkbox, and click the OK button.
Auxiliary lines
You can draw a line connecting two markers or a line at any angle starting from a marker. By drawing auxiliary lines, you can check the angles of axes and azimuths and use them for drawing.
Click Add to the right of Auxiliary line text in the Info-Window.
When the Auxiliary line dialog opens, enter a name.
Select the name of the marker you want to use as the starting point from the pull-down menu.
Select the marker name or the Angle you want as the endpoint from the pull-down menu.
If you choose Angle as the endpoint, enter an azimuth angle.*The azimuth angle is indicated as an angle with the origin in north and a positive value in the east direction. *Multiple azimuth angles can be specified by separating them with , .
If you want to change the color of the marker, set the hexadecimal color code.
Click OK button.
Auxiliary Line Information
The Info-Window displays the start marker, end marker or angle information of the auxiliary line.
If you want to modify the name, start marker, end marker or angle, or color of an auxiliary line, click the Edit button of the auxiliary line you want to modify and make the modification settings in the Auxiliary line dialog.
To delete an auxiliary line, click the Edit button of the auxiliary line you wish to delete, check the Delete checkbox, and click the OK button.
Compass Map
A compass map centered on a marker that is the starting point of an auxiliary line can be displayed. It can also be used for drawing azimuthal relationships centered on markers.
Click the Map button in the auxiliary line column of the Info-Window.
Click the Close Compass Map button to return from the compass map to the normal screen.
Object Information
View 3D object origin coordinates and rotation angle, scale, and year of existence.
Origin WGS84 Longitude(°), latitude(°), and Ellipsoid height(m) are displayed in this order.
JPRCS Y distance(m), X distance(m), and Ellipsoid height(m) in the designated zone.
UTM E distance(m), N distance(m), and Ellipsoid height(m) in the designated zone.
Rotation Indicates the rotation angle in E-axis(°), N-axis(°), and H-Axis(°) at the origin coordinate.
Scale Indicates the scale (times) centered on the origin coordinates of the 3D object.
Exist Indicates the year of existence (start year - end year) of the 3D object.
If the year of existence is set, the 3D object will only be displayed if the simulation's year/month setting is within the year of existence.
If the year of existence is not set, All is displayed and the 3D object will be displayed no matter what year the simulation's date/time setting is.
If you want to modify the name, origin coordinates, rotation angle, scale, or year of existence of a 3D object, click the Edit button of the 3D object you want to modify and set the modification in the Object dialog.
To delete a 3D object, click the Edit button of the auxiliary line you wish to delete, check the Delete checkbox, and click the OK button.
Markers, auxiliary lines, and 3D objects can be shown or hidden. By hiding buildings, walls, etc., you can focus on the necessary information and change the landscape.
Turn ON/OFF the check box in the leftmost column of the marker, auxiliary line, or 3D object you want to show/hide.
Save/Restore settings
If you do not save the settings file, changed marker and auxiliary line settings will disappear when you exit the application.
Click the Save button under the Info-Window.
Name the file and save it in the Dataset folder.
The next time you start up, load the saved file as dataset.txt to resume with the saved settings intact.
Click the Restore button under the Info-Window to restore the added or modified information to its original state at startup.
EXCEL (CVS) format copy
The information displayed in the Info-Window can be copied in CVS format and pasted into Excel or other spreadsheet applications.
Click the Copy Info button under the Info-Window.
Open a spreadsheet and paste into a cell.