
Diagram of the linkage between arcAstroVR (Unity program) and Stellarium※Linkage diagram taken from Serious Gaming for Virtual Archaeoastronomy (https://doi.org/10.14434/sdh.v4i1.31041)

ArcAstroVR works in conjunction with the planetarium app Stellarium. Therefore, both apps need to run at the same time. arcAstroVR is in charge of spatial display of lands and buildings, movement, and overall control, and Stellarium is in charge of calculation and display of celestial bodies.

Regarding the cooperation between arcAstroVR and Stellarium, the following communication plug-in for Stellarium*1, output script*2, and cooperation asset for Unity*3 created by Georg Zotti et al. Are used. In addition, arcAstroVR is created using the VR engine Unity.

※1:Stellarium:Remote Control (Plugin)
・Authors: Florian Schaukowitsch, Georg Zotti
・License: GNU GPLv2 or later
This plugin was created in the 2015 campaign of the ESA Summer of Code in Space programme.
※2:Stellarium:Skybox Tiles (Script)
・Author: Georg Zotti
・License: Public Domain
※3:Unity:Stellarim - Unity
・Author: Georg Zotti, John Fillwalk, David Rodriguez, Neil Zehr
・License: GNU General Public License v3.0
This is a collaboration between Georg Zotti (LBI ArchPro Vienna) and John Fillwalk, David Rodriguez and Neil Zehr (IDIA Lab, Ball State University) suggested by Bernard Frischer (Indiana University).

The cooperation between arcAstroVR and Stellarium is as follows.

  1. Send a request from arcAstroVR to Stellarium's RemortControl plugin.
  2. Stellarium Skybox script outputs 6 tiles global image.
  3. Stellarium notifies arcAstroVR of updates through the Remort Control plugin.
  4. 6 Unity automatically detects the global image output of 6 tiles, loads the global image into Unity, and reflects it on the celestial sphere to synthesize the image.