TUTORIAL : Dataset Creation
A dataset is a set of data necessary to reproduce terrain in arcAstroVR and consists of terrain data, object data and dataset.txt. For information on creating terrain data, please refer to Creating Terrain Data .
Dataset Composition
dataset/ : Directory of Dataset
├ dataset.txt : Dataset configuration file (required)
├ object/ : Directory of 3D objects
│ ├ *****.obj/.fbx/.dae/.ply : Model files for 3D objects and avatars
│ ├ *****.mtl : Material files for 3D objects and avatars
│ └ *****.jpg/png/gif : Texture files for 3D objects and avatars
└ terrain/: Directory of Terrain data
├ *****.raw : Elevation files for narrow and wide terrain
└ *****.jpg : Texture files for narrow and wide terrain
Description of dataset.txt
In the data set, write the location and installation information of the data. Use the ENTRY = SETTING format, one item per line. Use # for comment out.
Each setting entry is described below.
Basic Settings
location Title name of the data (string)
country Country name of the data (string)
timezone Time zone (HH:MM: -12:00 to +13:00; +0:00 if not set)
date Date setting at start (yyyy/mm/dd: if not set, the current time is set)
time Time setting at start (HH:MM:SS: If not set, the current time is set)
mesh Set mesh resolution (enter the value set for narrow-area terrain resolution in the terrain4arcAstroVR plug-in for QGIS)
type Set the coordinate system to be handled (WGS84, JP01~19, or UTM01~60; the two-digit number after JP or UTM indicates the zone number).
center Set the coordinates of the terrain center point (set the center coordinates in the coordinate system set by type: longitude and latitude (°) for WGS84, Y and X coordinates (m) for the specified zone number for JP**, and E and N coordinates (m) for the specified zone number for UTM**).
height Set the height of the ellipsoid at the terrain center point (m) (if the geoid height is not included in the terrain4arcAstroVR plug-in for QGIS, set the elevation value)
avatar Data file name of the avatar (Unity Humanoid model)
Marker Settings(The numbers in [] are marker numbers; numbers are assigned in order from 1 to the next. There is no limit to the number of objects that can be registered.)
marker[1].name Marker name (string)
marker[1].origin East coordinate, North coordinate (float : degree or m) (required)
marker[1].height Ellipsoid height (or elevation value) (float : m) (required)
marker[1].color Color designation (hex color value)
marker[1].visible Show/hide marker (boolean: true or false)
Auxiliary line Settings(The numbers in [] are auxiliary line numbers; numbers are assigned in order from 1 to the next. There is no limit to the number of objects that can be registered. If end_marker is specified, the line will be drawn between start_marker and end_marker. If end_marker is not specified, a supplementary line is drawn starting from start_marker in the direction of the angle specified in angle. Multiple angles can be specified by separating angle with , .)
line[1].name Auxiliary line name (string)
line[1].start_marker Marker number of the starting point (integer) (required)
line[1].end_marker Marker number of the end point (integer)
line[1].angle Auxiliary line azimuth starting from the starting point (float : degrees; multiple values separated by , are allowed)
line[1].color Color designation (hex color value)
line[1].visible Show/hide auxiliary line (boolean: true or false)
Object Settings(The numbers in [] are object numbers; numbers are assigned in order from 1 to the next. There is no limit to the number of objects that can be registered.)
dataset[1].name Object name (string)
dataset[1].file Object data file name (string) (required)
dataset[1].origin East coordinate, North coordinate (float : degree or m) (required)
dataset[1].height Ellipsoid height (or elevation value) (float : m) (required)
dataset[1].rot_E East axis rotation at object origin (float: degrees)
dataset[1].rot_N North axis rotation at object origin (float: degrees)
dataset[1].rot_H Vertical axis rotation at object origin (float: degrees)
dataset[1].scale Magnification of object (float : times)
dataset[1].start Existence start year (integer)
dataset[1].end Existence end year (integer)
dataset[1].visible Show/hide object (boolean: true or false)
Example of dataset description
#Basic Setting / 基本設定 (Required : type, center, height)
location = Sannaimaruyama
country = Japan
timezone = +09:00
date = 100/3/31
time = 17:00:00
mesh = 5
type = WGS84
center = 140.696746,40.8121551
height = 68
avatar = eric.fbx
#Marker / マーカー (Required : marker[].origin, marker[].height)
marker[1].name = 中心
marker[1].origin = 140.696746,40.8121551
marker[1].height = 67.1
marker[1].color = #ffa500
marker[1].visible = True
#Auxiliary line / 補助線 (Required : line[].start_marker)
line[1].name = 櫓軸線
line[1].start_marker = 1
line[1].end_marker =
line[1].angle = 55.8,235.8
line[1].color = #00ff00
line[1].visible = True
#3D Object (required : dataset[].file, dataset[].origin, dataset[].height)
dataset[1].name = 櫓
dataset[1].file = sannai_build.fbx
dataset[1].origin = 140.6967474,40.81215562
dataset[1].height = 53.8
dataset[1].rot_E = 0
dataset[1].rot_N = 0
dataset[1].rot_H = 145.8
dataset[1].scale = 1
dataset[1].start =
dataset[1].end =
dataset[1].visible = True